
Knowledge is power.


  • Email:yueyuebird.swjtu@gmail.com


  • 兴趣爱好:羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/骑行
  • 本科/地理信息科学/西南交通大学/省级优秀毕业生
  • 研究生/测绘科学与技术/西南交通大学/学硕在读
  • 预计毕业时间:2025年6月
  • 技术博客:https://yueyuebird-su.github.io/
  • Github:https://github.com/YueyueBird-su



中国大学生服务外包创新创业大赛 企业命题类 二等奖

赛题“影像主体分割”,与遥感影像的建筑物提取等语义分割模型类似。我在该类项目中位次第二,在认真学习了一个暑假的pyqt后,完成了模型复现、训练、测试以及pyqt展示。后期在队友部署模型的基础上使用C++代码和QT5进行桌面端开发,并实现了一个“融合测试”的trick。解决了模型质量不行时导致的主体边缘不清晰的问题。 最终实现了一个对选择影像(文件夹)主体分割以及开启摄像头之后的实时分割并进行展示的软件。


全国大学生数学建模竞赛 四川省一等奖 两次

五一数学建模竞赛 二等奖/三等奖



本科毕设 基于可变形卷积的多视影像密集匹配方法


SRTP 基于拉曼光谱表征和1D卷积神经网络分类的水体污染物溯源

深度学习的启蒙项目。通过已有数据集对工厂水体排放的拉曼光谱进行分类,达到溯源的目的。其中主要工作是使用pyqt编写窗口。 最终优秀结题,并申请了一份软件著作权。







  • C++面向对象编程:STL/Eigen/GDAL/Ceres/QT5
  • Python:Pytorch/Numpy/PyQt/Pytorchlightning
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Contact Information.

  • Email: yueyuebird.swjtu@gmail.com

    Personal Information.

  • Interests: Badminton/Table Tennis/Tennis/Cycling
  • Bachelor’s Degree/Geographic Information Science/Southwest Jiaotong University/Outstanding Graduate of Province
  • Master’s Degree/Geomatics Science and Technology/Southwest Jiaotong University/Current Student
  • Expected Graduation Date: June 2025
  • Technical Blog: https://yueyuebird-su.github.io/
  • Github: https://github.com/YueyueBird-su

    Competition Experience.

    National Award.

    China College Students Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Enterprise Proposition, Second Prize.

    The competition topic was “Image Subject Segmentation,” which is similar to semantic segmentation models such as building extraction from remote sensing images. I ranked second in this type of project and after carefully studying pyqt for a summer, I completed model reproduction, training, testing, and pyqt display. Later on, based on my teammate’s deployment of the model, I used C++ code and QT5 for desktop development and implemented a “fusion test” trick to solve the problem of unclear subject edges caused by poor model quality. Finally, I created software that can segment the main body of selected images (folders) and perform real-time segmentation and display after opening the camera.

    Provincial Award National

    College Students Mathematical Modeling Competition Sichuan Province, First Prize Twice

    In these mathematical modeling competitions, I was mainly responsible for using programming ideas to solve the models proposed by my classmates and obtain calculation results. For example, 1. The interaction of multiple forces; 2. The conduction of temperature, which is basically the solution of ordinary differential equations

    Research Experience

    Undergraduate Thesis: Multi-view Image Dense Matching Method Based on Deformable Convolution

    Completed a multi-view image dense matching method based on airborne images, using a deformable feature extraction architecture to solve the problem of feature deformation caused by changes in perspective.

    SRTP: Water Pollution Source Tracing Based on Raman Spectroscopy Characterization and 1D Convolutional Neural Network Classification

    A deep learning project. Classify Raman spectra of factory water discharge using an existing dataset to achieve source tracing. The main work was to write windows using pyqt. Finally, it was an excellent conclusion and applied for a software copyright.

    Open Source Projects and Works

    Open Source Projects

    In progress…

    Technical Articles

  • Common Functions in Digital Image Processing


    The following are the skills I am proficient in:

  • C++ Object-Oriented Programming: STL/Eigen/GDAL/Ceres/QT5
  • Python: Pytorch/Numpy/PyQt/Pytorchlightning